Events 2023
09. - 13.07.2023 - Museum of Lejre (DK) „Sagnlandet Lejre“
14. - 23.07.2023 - Vikinge festival Trelleborg (DK)
10. - 15-08-2023 - Vikingemarket Bork Vikingehavn - (DK)
26. - 27.08.2023 - Historical market of Leisnig (D)
01. - 03.09.2023 - Regionalmuseum Neubrandenburg - 150 Jahrfeier (D)
23. - 24.09.2023 - Vikingemarket Burg Heldrungen (D)
21. - 22.10.2023 - Listopàd Slawendorf Neustrelitz (D)
u interested in inviting us?
We look forward to receiving your enquiries and invitations to thematically suitable events, workshops, craft experiments and movie productions.
Of course, we are available with our craftsmanship and experience.
Please send your request with some information about this contact form. We will get in contact with you as soon as possible.